Las ganancias que obtendrá
La sexta edición de
En Argentina, los negocios vinculados a ese deporte superan ampliamente los 4,6 millones de pesos estimados por el pago de 187.110 entradas en 2006, según detalló el informe.
Ya antes del inicio de
La organización de la sexta edición de
Los seis sponsors principales de la copa aportan 5 millones de euros cada uno: Societe Generale (banco); GMF (seguros); Peugeot (vehículos); Visa (tarjeta de crédito); EDF (Electricidad de Francia) y SNCF (ferrocarriles).
El banco Societe Generale se prepara para el mundial desde el 2006 y volcará 20 millones de euros en el producto rugby este año, mientras GMF celebra sus dos décadas de contrato con
Peugeot entrega 280 vehículos para la competencia; Visa Internacional es el prestatario de pago de servicios del campeonato; y la empresa pública SNCF aporta 477 trenes suplementarios durante la copa y 80 TGV (tren de alta velocidad) para transportar a los equipos.
Además, entre los sponsors oficiales, que aportan 2,5 millones de euros cada uno, figuran Heineken, Vediorbis, Capgemini, Orange, Toshiba y Emirate Airlines.
Simultáneamente actúan como proveedores oficiales Coca Cola, Adidas, McDonald's, Good Year, Gilbert y Clifford Chance, con una participación de
En cuanto al impacto en
Deloitte señaló que durante los últimos años se emitieron dos programas auditados en términos de inversión publicitaria, uno emitido en TV cable ("Hombres de Rugby", en TyC Sports), y otro en radio ("Jugala que es gratis", en Rock & Pop).
En el primer caso la inversión publicitaria se incrementó un 86% el año pasado con respecto a 2005, y en el segundo el aumento fue de 330% en el mismo período.
"Cada vez más marcas buscan asociarse y estar presentes en este deporte", y los anunciantes dedicados con exclusividad fueron 26 durante 2006 frente a 12 un año antes, indicó Deloitte.
Entre las marcas que se incorporaron en el último año figuran Kraft (Terrabusi, Milka, Club Social); Coca Cola; Citibank; Provincia Seguros; y señales de cable como Fox, FX y Discovery, mientras desde 2005 están: Grupo Cencosud (Unicenter, Easy, Jumbo, Plaza Oeste); Pepsico (Pepsi y Seven Up); Philips; y Visa.
El estudio señaló asimismo que el valor del segundo de publicidad en los canales de ESPN y ESPN+ son de 600 pesos para las transmisiones en vivo de los partidos del Mundial, y de 150 pesos para el torneo de
"Si comparamos con los 500 pesos de las finales del US Open y los 200 de
En ESPN radio (Rivadavia AM 630), en tanto, el programa "La oral deportiva" ofrece a partir de septiembre la cobertura del Mundial de Rugby a través de micros informativos diarios en vivo, con un costo por segundo de 35 pesos.
Además, agregó Deloitte, sumados a los sitios en Internet de los entes oficiales más importantes (UAR, URBA y uniones provinciales) existen numerosos sitios dedicados a este deporte.
Por último, entre las acciones de marketing locales, Deloitte destacó el caso de Peugeot, que lanzó con motivo de
The sixth edition of the Rugby World Cup, where the Pumas moving towards the quarter-finals after batacazo given at the opening day to beat the local team is the third most important event in the sporting world overall, with more than three billion viewers.
In Argentina, businesses linked to the sport far exceed the 4.6 billion pesos estimated by the payment of 187,110 tickets in 2006, as detailed in the report.
Even before the start of the World Cup in France, ten top-level teams (including Los Pumas) already knew they were going to receive, in each case, 4.5 million euros only for participating in the contest.
The organization of the sixth edition of the Rugby World Cup, says Deloitte, will cost about 200 million euros, but will let you double the IRB (rugby FIFA), by input from sponsors, ticket sales and rights of televisación.
The six main sponsors of the cup contributing 5 million euros each: Societe Generale (bank); GMF (insurance); Peugeot (vehicles); Visa (credit card); EDF (Electricity of France) and SNCF (railways).
The bank Societe Generale prepares for the world since 2006 and dump 20 million in proceeds rugby this year, while GMF celebrates its two decades of contract with the French Federation, with a flow of 12 million euros towards the tournament.
Peugeot delivers 280 spaces for competition; Visa International is a provider of payment services in the championship; The public company SNCF and provides 477 trains during the extra cup and 80 TGV (high-speed train) to transport the equipment.
In addition, among the official sponsors, contributing 2.5 million euros each, include Heineken Vediorbis, Capgemini, Orange, Toshiba and Emirate Airlines.
Simultaneously act as official suppliers Coca-Cola, Adidas, McDonald's, Good Year, Gilbert and Clifford Chance, with a participation of 300 to 500 thousand euros in each case.
As for the impact on Argentina, the television audience for rugby matches joined 920 thousand people last year and sports occupied the sixth place among those transmitted by television, behind football, tennis, motoring, boxing and basketball .
Deloitte noted that over the past few years were released two programs audited in terms of advertising dollars, issued in a cable TV ( "Men Rugby," TyC Sports), and another on radio ( "Jugala which is free," Rock & Pop).
In the first case, advertising spending rose 86% last year over 2005, and the second was the rise of 330% over the same period.
"Increasingly brands seeking to associate and to be present in this sport, and advertisers devoted exclusively were 26 during 2006 compared to 12 a year earlier, said Deloitte.
Among the brands that were included in last year include Kraft (Terrabusi, Milka, Social Club); Coca-Cola; Citibank; Province Insurance; And cable signals as Fox, FX and Discovery, while since 2005 are: Group Cencosud (Unicenter, Easy, Jumbo, Plaza West); Pepsico (Pepsi and Seven Up); Philips; and Visa.
The study also noted that the value of the second advertising channels ESPN and ESPN + are 600 pesos for live broadcasts of the World, and 150 pesos for the tournament of the URBA and National Teams.
"If we compare with the 500 pesos to the finals of the U.S. Open and the 200 of the UEFA Champions League we can visualize the impact of rugby at the moment, and the value payable marks for a space in the same," said report.
On ESPN Radio (Rivadavia AM 630), while the program "Oral sports offers from September coverage of the Rugby World through Microphones daily news shows, with a cost per second of 35 pesos.
In addition, Deloitte added, along with the websites of the most important official entities (UAR, URBA and provincial unions), there are numerous sites devoted to the sport.
Finally, the local marketing actions, Deloitte highlighted the case of Peugeot, which launched on the occasion of the Rugby World Cup two special editions of the model 206 (thousand units) and 307 (500 orders), which already leads sold more than half.
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